camp nanowrimo, Quarter Milwordy Challenge, Writing

Writing Weekend Update #3

I’m starting to feel a lot more confident about where my word goals are headed. I’m now a full day ahead on my Camp April goals, and on my Milwordy goal, I am steadily closing the gap. I am now only 12,303 words behind goal. If anyone ever says making up ground is impossible, I’m telling you, it’s absolutely possible if you have the determination to make it happen! Just to show you how proud I am of my achievements, I present you with graphs.

The graph showing my April counts is everything I’ve accomplished this month. The graph above is one that I’ve modified from an excel sheet that I’ve been using to track my Milwordy goal. Luckily Writer-Bot has been helping me track my progress this year after setting my annual goal to 250,000 words, so checking every day for my totals to ensure accuracy has helped me maintain the spreadsheet with accurate counts. The only change I would make to my spreadsheet next year is adding a column that calculates the difference between actual and expected count. That way if I ever get behind, I know exactly how much I need in order to catch up.

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